A review by toeffy
An Unnatural Vice by KJ Charles


A strong second of the trilogy

Usually its the other way around, isn't it? The first of three starts of strong, the second kinda drags through, and the third wraps the whole thing up (sometimes successful, sometimes less so). With this series, after the lukewarm first book I was unsure if I should continue at all, but it seems the story and its characters did grab me after all.

In short, it was good. The story continued from another perspective, the new couple was easier to connect to than Clem and Rowley in book one, and I really liked the conflict between Nathaniel and Justin.

In general, I like how K. J. Charles handles interpersonal conflict without offering easy salvation to her characters and instead letting them work out their issues with each other. It's refreshing to see protagonists actually talking to each other, not always understanding immediately, but giving their best. It's my third book by this author and of course there is a clearly recognizable theme to her novels, but it usually doesn't disappoint.

Therefore, I'd recommend this book to all those who struggled through book one to give this series another chance. Solid good novel, in my opinion.