A review by mortimer
None Dare Call It Conspiracy by John G. Schmitz, Gary Allen, Larry Abraham


This book has aged really quite poorly in the face of the fall of the soviet union. This, like other conspiracy theories, has a kernel of truth in it, in that the hyper wealthy are trying to consolidate power, but it misdirects the reader away from the actual systemic injustice built into capitalist society using communism as a scapegoat. The logic is not sound, the arguments substanceless, and all couched in dramatic "they don't want you to know this!" type language- Despite the fact that it is literally endorsed by a United States congressman, who wrote the introduction. The authors cannot decide between using appeals to authority or playing off the average person's (rightful) distrust of the government. Ultimately, I am not worried about this book. I don't think it's convincing or up to date enough to convince anyone whose mind wasn't already made up. While it certainly isn't worth the pulp it was printed on, I think it's pretty interesting from a sociological standpoint, as a study in conspiracy theories serving as propaganda to ultimately reinforce the status quo.