A review by bmg20
Those We Love Most by Lee Woodruff

Those We Love Most was kindly provided to me by Netgalley for Hyperion.
Expected publication: September 11th 2012 by Hyperion

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I was able to see very early on in this story that this was not the book for me, thus no rating.

Those We Love Most tells the tale of Maura Corrigan who was walking her son to school one day, wasn't paying attention for an apparently selfish reason, when her son James is hit by a car and dies a few days later. Told from the point of view of several different family members including Maura's mother Margaret and her father Roger. Roger is also dealing with grief of his ongoing affair... ongoing for five years. The death of James results in stirring up all the problems that have been kept buried within the family.

So, my issues and reason for not finishing.
This isn't being classified as Christian Fiction but had some huge religious undertones which was a big turn off for me. The comments from Roger regarding Maura's husband really rubbed me the wrong way.
'On paper, he was great son-in-law material:...Pete had an even temperament and no funny earrings or designer facial hair.'
Okay, pause. Seriously? Just because you have earrings or crazy facial hair does not make you any less of a good person. Continuing on.
'Moreover, he was a practicing Catholic, something that had appealed to Roger after the string of Jewish and Protestant boys Maura had dated in high school and college.'
Ugh. I hate this simple-minded way of regarding people in terms of their religious beliefs and defining them based solely on that. Having ANY other religious beliefs than your own is not a terrible thing. Also, just because you're Catholic does not automatically make you a better person. Look at you Mr. Roger, Catholic and yet having a five-year long affair on your wife of FOUR DECADES.

So bottom line, I couldn't get past page 50 based on the huge religious undertones and the cheating - something I could have done without. Two things that I really have no desire to read about.

Before anyone decides to comment on the fact that I didn't give this book a chance, these are just my opinions based on the 50 pages that I felt needed to be stated and that is why I have opted to not rate this book. I knew early on that this was not the book for me and figured it would be best to chuck it rather than force myself to read it in its entirety and then give it a horrible rating.