A review by celeryradishpun
The Art of Happiness at Work by Dalai Lama XIV


“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.” I have a painting inspired by this quote hanging on my wall. It means a lot to me (the quote more so than the painting), and I’m glad I finally read a longer *something* by the Dalai Lama.

Lots of wonderful things to chew on here, although I wish I’d read his biography first. This book, while full of his teaching, is interwoven with snippets from Howard Cutler (a psychologist who interviews tDL). I found some of the links between Western science & Buddhist practices interesting, and especially enjoyed when Cutler would back up the Dalai Lama’s philosophy with Western studies, but I found myself frustrated when he tried to break apart teachings into oversimplified 3-step processes. (hence the 3 stars)

This isn’t as much a book about happiness, but more about the practices you can use to cultivate it—tDL believes people are inherently capable of achieving happiness, but it takes active effort. You have to train your brain (which can be done, as science has shown us). Overall, I really liked this book, and I feel like I have some of the tools I need to help shift my perspective away from the things that distract from happiness and refocus my energy on the things that grow it.

A couple of lingering themes for me:
Pleasure is not the same thing as happiness.
We would feel more compassion for each other if we related to one another as suffering beings.