A review by liferhi_inspired
The Detective's Dilemma by Karen McCullough


The Detective's Dilemma is a suspenseful romance that turned out to be a really quick read.

After ready the synopsis of this book, I was intrigued and excited to get started. The book is really fast paced, which I found extremely frustrated at certain points. This is how the first 65% of the book felt: summary....summary...event....summary...summary. It was so fast paced that days were blown by with only a slight summary of was happened that day, then an event would happen in detail...only to have more time flow by with a simple summary. Toward the very end of the book things started to quickly unravel and become more entertaining but I felt as if it was a little too late to overcome the rocky beginning. A epilogue or wrap up to this story would also have been extremely beneficial, the book ended at an awkward spot with a lot left on the table.

While parts of the book were action packed and enjoyable, the book as a whole seemed extremely unlikely. The characters had an insta-romance/love, and the whole way that the crime and investigation turned out seemed very unlikely.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*