A review by klaragon73
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand


Until last week, I had not read Unearthly and I have to say I am saddened that I waited so long. I only read it so I wouldn't feel completely lost reading Hallowed but ended up falling for this series in a way I never imagined. When you hop around the blogosphere as much as I do, you find that certain books get more attention than others and that is a sad fact. Unearthly and Hallowed are two of the books I don't see tons of reviews for and it's a shame. I loved both these books but this review is for the second book in the Unearthly Series.

Hallowed begins shortly after we left Clara in Unearthly. Clara begins to have "dreams" involving deep sorrow and a cemetery. With the introduction to Black Wings she associates her visions to them but when she begins to note the things around her...she notices certain important people are missing from the gathering. Imagining the worst, Clara has to make a decision whether to tell these people they may possibly be dying or leave fate to take care of it. Knowing she isn't good at keeping secrets, she struggles more than some people would. And who knows...maybe there is a reason she can't keep secrets, some ingrained sense...or maybe not.

We learn more about the lore between the white wings and the dark wings in this installment. I loved knowing what made each "race" different. Seeing Clara's ability to deal with the Black Wing, Samjeeza, made me proud. Clara is a strong protagonist who shows her weaknesses from time to time. She has strong views on the way things should be, rebels against them, and then sometimes wishes she could redo things. Does anything say young adult better than the previous sentence? I didn't think so.

This time around...Clara faces an enormous loss. She will have to learn who they can trust and attempt to work things out with Jeremy, her brother. If there is anything worse than a teenage girl...it is only a stubborn teenage boy with a God-complex.

We get to see much more of Christian in action in Hallowed. He tries to be what Clara wants him to be with a great deal of difficulty. I enjoyed his role and his passion. I still love Tucker and I think he makes Clara happy in a teenage love sort of way. Christian is more like the rock she will always have to lean on...for now.

Ms. Hand throws a couple of zingers on the table this time around. I was shocked, saddened, and delightfully pleased. If you haven't added this to your TBR list...do so now.