A review by annashiv
Fly on the Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything by E. Lockhart


This was a cute short story. Gretchen seemed like a real person, a lot of the people did. I liked how it revealed more about many different characters and the nature of people on the whole rather than it being centered on the romance aspect, which is what I was hoping for when I picked up the book. It definitely isn't for everyone. It talks about male anatomy and I know several people who would be uncomfortable with that. I did find it strange how it only ever used the word 'gherkin.' I found it strange, but at the same time I see why the author chose it. I really identified with the main character at several parts during art critiques in class. I too did art in high school, and while I wasn't in her situation and didn't receive her critiques, I could really identify with the feeling she had. It was really surprising to have those moments for me since I rarely find those in any books. Overall, it is a good quick story and is worth a read. It could easily be finished in a day, so I don't see why not if male anatomy and swearing don't offend you.