A review by nnof
The Last Nanny in Manhattan by K. Sterling


DNF - 66%

I tried really hard to like this book. The beginning was very good and I enjoyed the dynamics of the MCs as they were testing the waters of each other. However, I didn’t really feel much connection between the MCs once they actually started getting together.

There was too much going on in this book. Walker getting over his grief with Connor and Walker learning how to interact with his children took up so much of the conversation that the romance and intimacy of the MCs wasn’t really there. Outside of the first encounter where Walker got off on the panties and Fin saw Walker working out shirtless, nothing really connected with me.

Fin just seemed like a super human that could do no wrong and knew how to navigate every situation perfectly. He didn’t seem like a real character at all. We so often only saw Walker in the household bubble that he just felt like a bumbling adolescent and not this intimidating Wall Street exec that he’s supposed to be.

Let’s not even start with the ridiculous class differences of the two MCs and how Walker reacted after the walk in the park. However, Fin had no backbone and immediately caved to Walker for sex.

Also, wtf was that section describing how Walker makes his money (helping the guy hide money from his wife and kids)? We’re just supposed to be okay with that and say, oh that’s just the rich doing rich people things? What a scudsball.