A review by chrissmea
The Last Romantics by Tara Conklin


I hope to never read a book as frustrating as this. Family tales always tug my heart strings, and this did just that up to a point.

Parts 1 & 2 hit all the right notes for me. I became attached to the Skinner siblings. Each so different but bound by blood and hardships. I enjoyed reading how they managed to go on with life. The tale realized its claim to share about the “failures of love”.

But part 3 was all over the place. The narration abruptly switches back and forth. There were too many things that were jumbled. It did not make sense to tackle the current shenanigans of Fiona. I feel disconnected with Luna. And also, I just feel pure annoyance at Fiona with her secrets to the family.

Nonetheless, this book is extremely well written. I did not consider my time spent listening to this book as wasted. Was I satisfied with how it ended? I’m still no sure.