A review by kimching232
Through to You by Lauren Barnholdt


When I first read the synopsis of Through to You, my attention was immediately captured. I wanted to read it despite the not-so-high rating on Goodreads. When I read the book though, I was quite disappointed.

Harper is the good girl type, while Penn, who is the resident heartbreaker, is the total opposite. It all started out with Penn complimenting Harper's tinsel. And when the two ditched school together, they surprised each other and themselves, which started their attraction towards each other.

Through to You started as a very interesting and promising read, but I soon became annoyed at the way the characters acted and how the story became over-dramatic. Penn's problem had a lot of hype surrounding it, yet when it came to the time that it was revealed, I was disappointed to find that it was just that. The way Penn acted, it might have been a huge mystery, but it really wasn't.

I enjoyed it a bit, because I was able to finish reading it after all. I would not go as far to that it was a waste of my time or anything remotely close to that, but it could have been so much better because I really saw potential at the start of the book. This book was not for me, but I hope others would be able to enjoy it more than I did.