A review by graceless
Black and Blue: a memoir of racism and resilience by Veronica Gorrie


Wow, this book is powerful. I have had a copy for 6 months sitting in my 'to be read' pile but it jumped to the top of the queue this week as I prepare to be on a panel with the author for an event next week. I feel massively inadequate now I've finished this book.

This book is such an important piece of work. It tells Veronica's story, her past and all the bits in between that make us human and make her who she is. Being Aboriginal in Australia is still really bloody hard. Being an Aboriginal police officer is even harder. I'm so grateful this book exists.

It has given me a lot to reflect on in my own life. The conflict between being black and being blue. The impact of trauma and the culture of 'suck it up'. Being born different but existing in an environment where same-ness is what everyone strives to be. Do I have to make these choices? Why should I have to? Why aren't we better to each other?

Highly recommend reading this - especially as we enter National Reconciliation Week - to educate yourself, to challenge your biases and to try understand the world from a perspective that isn't your own.