A review by hashtag_alison
Property by Valerie Martin


This is the story of a southern belle in antebellum times whose life hasn’t turned out how she thought it would, and her tangled relationship to the slave her husband takes as a mistress. A short book that’s almost more of a vignette into the live of two women bitter about life and the man who ruined them both.

I bought this while I was on a historical novel kick, and it delivers on the sort of slice-of-life every day historical details that one typically reads a historical novel for. It wasn’t what I was expecting but not necessarily in a bad way. I don’t know that I liked the book, per se, but I have nothing bad to say about it storywise or voicewise. It was kind of meh, I guess. I probably won’t pick it up again, and I wasn’t raving about it to my friends when I finished it so I probably wouldn’t recommend it to someone out of the blue. But I wouldn’t discourage someone who was already thinking about reading it. very middle of the road type of book.