A review by drsldn
Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons


it was a bit weird to be reading this at the same time as Mary McCarthy's The Company she keeps. Although this is from a slightly earlier period in the 20c there were some similarities and aspects that invited comparison. I'm not really a short story fan, but at least Stella Gibbons' stories were short (unlike the novella length of McCarthy) and followed more the short story tradition. Some of the stories seemed as if they belonged to a well-written edition of People's Friend and I did start to feel that if I were informed once more that happiness for women was to be found in being par of a marriage and having children and being supportive of my husband (despite it being dressed up a bit to be about women being individuals and having their own needs too) I would throw the book across the room. Also I hate Cold Comfort Farm, but fortunately there was only one story set there. Quite a few of these somehat annoying women worked in libraries. so much for stereotypes...