A review by goodkingmooglemog
Evan Burl and the Falling by Justin Blaney


Evan Burl and the Falling was an unexpected read. The summary of the book that I found online didn't reveal anything of the plot, but I understand why! You have to read the book to be able to see the complexities of the plot.

The plot was fresh! The author created this world that is extremely unique. And the characters aren't like any other characters. Sapience and the effects of it presented a different view of "magic".

The story kept me guessing the entire time! I didn't know why the fallings were dying or if it was Henri or Mazol who did it half the time! The book really keeps you on your toes! For anyone looking for a read that will keep you guessing this book is perfect.

The characters are nicely developed and the switch between POVs gives a lot of detail about the characters. I hated Terisma though, or when the girl became Terisma. She was a good antagonist. The characters had real conflicts within themselves and they all had a reason for doing what they did (other than Terisma). Evan seemed like a true person. He still had fears about himself and for his friends even when he became powerful.

The only thing I didn't like about the book was the fact that some things were unexplained at the end of the book. What was the spider and what does it do??? What about Evan? The ending will definitely bring readers back, but everything felt unresolved.