A review by thenia
Chicks Kick Butt by Rachel Caine, Kerrie L. Hughes


Hunt - Rachel Vincent (56:49 minutes/~26 pages) - 3 stars (3/9/2013)

It's been a long time since I finished the series and reading this short story I realized how much I'd missed the world the author's created. The werecats and their enforcers, and even Faythe who doesn't make an appearance in the story but is mentioned as the mentor of young Abby, the protagonist.

Abby has grown but the trauma of what happened to her still remains and in this story she gets to finally put it behind her.

Superman - Jeanne C. Stein (44:38 minutes/~34 pages) - 3 stars (4/11/2015)

It's been many years since I last read anything from the Anna Strong series, so I've forgotten quite a bit about it and this short story helped remind me. It is set between [b:Chosen|7832174|Chosen (Anna Strong Chronicles, #6)|Jeanne C. Stein|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1270257511s/7832174.jpg|10898695], which is the last book I read in the series, and [b:Crossroads|10694189|Crossroads (Anna Strong Chronicles, #7)|Jeanne C. Stein|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1311703511s/10694189.jpg|15604208], which I'm still not sure I want to read.

Still, the series has its good points and I might give it another chance.