A review by elliotalderson
Another Faust by Dina Nayeri, Daniel Nayeri


Another Faust is one of the most unique books I've read in a long time, if not ever. I don't recall having ever read a book that involved people, in this case kids/teenagers, selling their souls to the devil to get what they want. The unique plot line is what drew me to the story.

Unfortunately, overall the book was disappointing. Sometimes I found it difficult to follow all the different storylines of each character. Each character had their own ''gift'' from Madame Vileroy and sometimes it was hard for me to grasp what each character was doing. I had the most trouble following Christian's gift and his storyline. Valentin's gift was hard for me to follow but in the end it was explained better. It took me awhile to get into it. And by awhile I mean probably about 3/4 of the book. Once I hit Bice's parts, I wanted to read more. She was probably my favorite character and she didn't have enough of a storyline throughout the book until the end, in my opinion. The ending was somewhat disappointing. Things started to hit a climax and then all of a sudden it was over. I would have liked something more, more of an ending for the characters.

I was impressed with how the Nayeri's wrote the book. Everything was detailed. The book had a lot of mystery and suspense and it made me think, which I liked. I didn't know what was going to happen so it kept things suspenseful.

If you're looking for something light and fun, this book probably isn't for you. If you're looking to branch out from the usual fluffy romance, check it out.