A review by redsrecs
The Other Faileaf by Jeremy Forsyth


⚔️⚔️⚔️.5 swords for The Other Fairleaf by Jeremy Forsyth

This is another one of the novellas I started reading by Jeremy Forsyth to get accustomed to his writing style and the world he has build so I can read Upon the Sands next month.

This novella was cute and quick and overall a fun read but I definitely enjoyed the plot overal of The Little Fairleaf more.

As ever, Jeremy’s writing style reminds of that intense and formal way that epic fantasies are usually written. It’s absolutely beautiful and flows so well.

Overall I felt like if I wasn’t reading this book for the sake of worldbuilding, it wouldn’t be something I’d buy off the rack for any reason other than supporting a local author.

If you’re interested in checking out his works, definitely go have a look at his website: http://www.jeremyforsyth.co.za/

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