A review by whimsicalmeerkat
Soulless by Gail Carriger


This book brings together so many things I love: kickass female heroines who don't dress like they belong in a film mockery of an S&M video, food, vampires and other such magical types, love, dirty scenes, and the London Season. Didn't see that last one coming, did you? Well, it's true. [a:Gail Carriger|2891665|Gail Carriger|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1257289860p2/2891665.jpg] manages to fit all these things into [b:Soulless|6381205|Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1)|Gail Carriger|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1314020848s/6381205.jpg|6569140], a book that is more funny than sincere, more romance than steampunk, and less creepy than you might think when you realize what the main couple has to overcome. Basically, I recommend it, despite being skeptical when I picked it up. It's fun in so many ways.