A review by arrakistowesteros
Resistor by C.E. Clayton


I hunted down this ARC solely because of Bookstagram. I saw the cover, I read the blurb, I knew I had to read it. And it did not disappoint! I giggled and settled in for a good read when I saw the first chapter is titled "Well Shit...Part One."

The main character is perfectly sassy without being annoying - which is a rare achievement in the sci fi books I've read recently. She's funny and badass and humanly flawed. The world-building is interesting but not hugely fleshed out; instead a short backstory is placed at the beginning.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the main character's tragic backstory itself; there was a bit of "telling-not-showing" and I couldn't get a grasp on the personality of one of the characters. However, the rest of the cast in the present setting of the book were all excellent.

Resistor is definitely a setup for more world building and storytelling, as there wasn't really a solid "conclusion," but neither did it end on a true cliffhanger. I am looking forward to more!!

Thank you to the author and BookSirens, where I found this ARC.