A review by ashleyhuynh7
Chase Me by Tessa Bailey


honestly… this book was very disappointing to read :/ i even debated DNFing halfway through bc it was so predictable & cliche & so annoying to read.

roxy was extremely annoying omg like i couldn’t stand her!!!! even w/ her sad sob story & going out to nyc on her own to chase her dreams, all she did was whine, complain, & leave poor louis to fend for himself. like i totally get that she can’t trust anyone bc of what she went through, but damn girl… you holding back all the good things that are happening to you (aka all the love that louis has to offer!!!). don’t even get me STARTED on her dignity… she was all about wanting to chase her dreams of becoming an actress all on her own w/o any help but she needed $$ for rent & whatnot… only to take any job she could get, which literally included dressing up as a bunny to sing to louis for a telegram AND taking a stripper gig????? how is that any better than getting help w/ landing acting gigs?!?!).

louis… was ok. after just one kiss w/ roxy, he was OBSESSED w/ her??? & was willing to do wtv it took to be by her side, even if she didn’t appreciate him :/ i do love that (bc he’s a lawyer & already rich af), he wanted to do pro bono work aka volunteering to help clients who don’t have the $$ for a lawyer, which i thought was sweet of him. tbh he just didn’t want to be like his father who only took clients w/ cha-ching, but i could see how passionate he was about his job & genuinely liked helping ppl out :) that’s all tbh… that was good about the book KDHSKDHKD

the ending felt very rushed & a LOT of things were mentioned but weren’t wrapped up well (or @ all). we barely got interactions w/ roxy & louis’ friends but they were the most memorable @ the same time???? i felt like there was sm that could’ve been fleshed out but wasn’t unfortunately