A review by theblisstour
Harbor by Rebekah Weatherspoon


Edit, 3/3/21: re-read the whole trilogy and yeah. Still 5 stars for the whole series. Will read again. One brief change: I felt the joy at the end of Harbor this time, and it felt a lot funnier.

Of the three in the series this was my least favorite, but I'm still giving it 5 stars because they're all so good and I love them all.

In all three books there are
  • Black women who've experienced trauma

  • hot bearded men of various shades who live outside of big cities

  • bondage

  • a tight knit group of girlfriends who love each other

  • And there are dogs.

  • Also there is so much trauma I'm repeating it here.

But the books have very definite themes.

This third book had so much to say about loneliness and the fear of being alone, of not deserving love. I'm not someone who needs to relate to or identify with characters, but ugh, this broke my heart.

The strong theme in the first book, Haven, was grief, although that's a strong theme in this third book as well. Maybe Haven wasn't so much about loneliness, but being alone in the world? which may not be different, but it felt different.

The second book, Sanctuary, was about blowing up your life to build another one after a traumatic event. Which requires so much bravery. But there was a joy at the end of Sanctuary that I didn't feel at the end of either Haven or Harbor. They're both romances with a well earned HEA, but. ugh. they kind of broke my heart.

Anyway, I could go on. I read the last two books back-to-back. I will probably re-read Haven again before the year is out. Maybe Sanctuary too. Maybe all of them.