A review by bookladyreads
A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell


Well, what can I say? I absolutely hated this book.

First things first. I listened to the audiobook for this, which was my first time ever listening to an audiobook. I've always been opposed to it because I've never liked being read to--I found it annoying. But I decided to give it a chance. Initially, I couldn't figure out if I just hated the audiobook experience or if I just hated the story. I figured it out, I hated the story.

This story did not draw me in at any point and something about the story felt repetitive, boring and juvenile. The character Stephanie made me want to scratch my eyeballs out with this whole mommy blogger theme. "Hi Moms". The character Sean should have been or rather was supposed to be a big part of this story, but something about him was simply forgettable. I feel indifferent about the character Emily. The book tries really hard to make her out to be this super chic put together woman that every person desires just by the sight of her, but that felt extremely contrived.

Perhaps the movie was better than the book. I certainly wanted to see it when the trailers first came out (I didn't), but maybe I'll give it a watch when it hits OnDemand just to see how they made this story work for the "big screen".

Anyway, I forced myself to complete this audiobook, but sadly it was a drudge from beginning to end.