A review by kellyvandamme
Night Shadows by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir


Night Shadows is the third Forbidden Iceland thriller / police procedural after The Creak on the Stairs and Girls Who Lie. If you really want to, I do believe you can jump into the series here, just know you’d be missing out on two fantastic thrillers. I’ve been with this series from the start and it was such a pleasure to head back to Iceland and visit Elma again.

Night Shadows finds Elma dealing with some personal stuff, and a particularly tough case to boot. There’s been a fire in which a young man died and before long, the police find out it was arson and the victim might have been murdered. The investigation leads to a seemingly unrelated family and their Dutch au pair.

If you decide to read Night Shadows, which I recommend you do, I would suggest you don’t try to figure things out. Seriously, I tried and it did my head in! You know you’re reading a great police procedural and you’re fully invested in the proceedings when you stop reading after every other paragraph to discuss the case with yourself. Maybe it was so and so? But surely that’s too obvious? Ooh! Maybe X did Y and then Z happened? Do things add up then though?