A review by scoutmomskf
The Sheikh's Redemption by Olivia Gates


Good book. I wasn't sure at first if I would like it, because Haidar was such a cold, vindictive guy. He had returned to Azmahar as one of the men in the running to take over the country. He saw this as a way to make up for his mother's evil ways. He was also going to get Roxanne back in his bed. Roxanne was back in the country as a political economist, to help the country recover from the disaster the previous ruler had caused. She knew she would end up seeing Haidar again, and wanted nothing to do with revisiting the past. This book had a lot of emotion - neither Haidar nor Roxanne was subtle about them. It became obvious, as more confrontations took place, that there were things going on that neither one had been aware of. There were several times that a lack of communication nearly caused disaster in their developing relationship, and I just wanted to smack them both. The confrontations with his brother Jalal and former friend Rashid show that there are still conflicts to resolve in the next books. I was glad to see that Haidar finally learned the benefits of opening up.