A review by urlphantomhive
Dark Fantasies and Other Stories by Joel Puga


Read all my reviews on http://urlphatomhive.booklikes.com

I won this book ages ago on Booklikes, but hadn't come around to reading it yet. I think a part of me feared this collection of short stories, as 40 pages for 5 stories seems like too few pages to make any of the stories stand.

Indeed, after reading I think it was too short. More than once I was left behind after a story finished thinking: this was it? What did I miss? It's too short.

However, what I did like was the great variety of stories that was presented. They all had a very distinct setting which goes to show the ability of the author to write different things. All stories have some fantasy element though.

It could have been better had the stories been longer, but then again, I say that after almost all collections of short stories.

Thanks to the author for providing me with a free copy of this book via a Booklikes Giveaway!