A review by lenaasty
Pieces and Parts by Annmarie Boyle


ARC ✨️

I'd say about 80% of the entire story resolves around the kid, so be warned you won't get drowned in steamy romance. Drizzled at best.

They really are too chaste and polite, the story seems more focused on the kid than on the tension or romance aspect.

Saying someone is sexy isn't enough, you have to tell us HOW, what makes him attractive?? what physical aspects is she seeing that creates an effect on her?? because right now she's just getting all hot and bothered by his thigh brushing hers and his smile and that's it, she rarely mentions the height or the muscles or the jaw or I don't know the stuff you typically get in romance books that keep the image fresh in your mind of how that boy looks. just an example, in the Spanish Love Deception, though a bit overdone, you couldn't go 4 pages without Lina mentioning Aaron's long something, long legs, long fingers, him towering over her, etc. That's the thing that made him attractive to her so we were constantly reminded of that, with Nick I could just picture a burly lumberjack like the one in the Simpsons Marge fantasizes about.

All we read about is the tour, the band, the lessons, the kid, their pasts, their projects and dreams, and if we're lucky we get a couple of lines about his blue eyes and lumberjack appearance. Maybe the goal was to make a wholesome cozy slow adult romance like the books my mom reads with a doctor finding a baby on his doorstep and marrying the teacher across the road, and not a romcom as the cover led me to believe.

Also, unforgivable and blatant use of Google translate with 0 French speaking person called in to proofread : MC says "Tu es magnifique, comme toujours" to which one replies "Comme tu le fais, ma chérie". In no universe ever is this dialogue not high on drugs. There were so many ways to avoid this