A review by si0bhan
Cast Iron by Peter May


Cast Iron is the sixth, and final, book in Peter May’s Enzo Files series, and to understand everything in this one you need to have read the prior books. Although it can be read without the prior books, a lot of the things will fail to have the intended impact without the prior knowledge.

The Enzo Files, if I’m being completely honest, is my least favourite series by Peter May. There have been some gripping moments, but I never fell for Enzo in the way I expected. There were too many things – specifically about Enzo as a character – that did not hold appeal, but I was interested in the overall storyline and wanted to see how the bet played out. For a while, this book tried to convince me my biggest fear for the series was going to play out, but it didn’t. In the end, it went for the resolution that was obvious from the start of this one.

As interesting as it was to see the details come together, this one was my least favourite of the series. There were too many cliches for me, and I found myself rolling my eyes at the pretty bow everything was wrapped in when we reached the end. I expected something bigger from the ending, something a bit more explosive. It was certainly interesting to see everything come together, but I had hoped for more.

All in all, fans of the series need to give this one a read to see how everything comes together. Although things come together well, it wasn’t quite as good as it could have been.