A review by cat_uk
The End of the World Running Club by Adrian J. Walker


I don't run, so a book about running seems an improbable fit for me, But this is a book about asteroids, destroyed world, separate families and how people respond to all of the above.
I love a good dystopia, and this book, with its plot of getting from Edinburgh to Cornwall in three weeks, allows for exploration of the different ways people cope with the destruction of the world: feral city tribes; isolationism; dictator states and helping hands.
I could totally imagine Stephen Spielberg getting his hands on the film rights to this book and totally p******ing me off with his treatment. It's everyman against overwhelming odds, after all, but Spielberg can never let a tale rest on its own merits, but has to screw around with the endings or else completely belabour the point (qv War of the Worlds and Saving Private Ryan). Spielberg is not one of my favourite directors, I'm sorry to say.