A review by capturedinwords
Homeland by R.A. Salvatore


Homeland was the first book I have ever read by R.A. Salvatore, and was the start for my love of his writing and characters. Ed Greenwood is the original creator and writer of the forgotten realms (The universe in which these books take place in) and Salvatore was the second to start writing of the realms. I'm not here to say who's better as of this moment I have not read any of Greenwood's work (sort of odd for me being a huge forgotten worlds fan and all) mainly because theres still so much more of Salvatore to read.

I have read The Legend of Drizzt series almost twice now (and I mean it's a big series) so I can safely say that I completely recommend this series to those pursuing fantasy. I don't think you will be disappointed. However, you must know that this is high/epic fantasy so you have to expect intricate magic systems, lots of different races and languages, world building galore, and overall third-degree awesomeness . If you are one of those readers who don't like long series, or can only handle mild fantasy then I would stay clear.

The first three books in The Legend of Drizzt series (Homeland, Exile, Sojourn) are actually prequels to The Crystal Shard (The fourth book in the series) and they are not required to read before The Crystal Shard, but I would recommend it.
Homeland is the story of Drizzt's, a Drow elf (or Dark elf) in his years of growing up in Menzoberranzan his homeland, located in the bowls of the earth; The Underdark. He is born into a chaotic world where his entire race delights in all things evil, for it is the way of Lloth, the Spider Queen deity they serve.
I won't go into too much more detail with the story, but I will say that the inner struggle between Drizzt's conscience and his people's traditions is a glorious tale indeed. Drizzt was born with a different mindset than the other Drow elfs, high morals that are only determined by his own self and no other. Not to mention he was also born with lavender eyes, another oddity to his race.

Oh and of course I must mention Guenhwyvar, Drizzt's faithful panther companion, somewhere in here.
The first two or so chapters of Homeland start off a tad slow, as it's before Drizzt is even born, but I promise you if you hold on and keep reading, you are in for a hell of a journey and will be introduced to one of the best heroes of all time.