A review by gloryreadstoomuchh
Latte Darling by S.J. Tilly


This was such a fun book omg. It started where this woman in her mid 30s, maddie, went on a date with a younger guy, well she was supposed to because he never showed up. Instead his dad in his mid 50s, Axel, showed up in his place and told her he was sorry that his son stood her up and the story just took off from there.

The entire book when I say this man TOOK CARE OF HER OMG, there was not a need that was left unwanted or a box that was left unchecked. There was a stupid little third act breakup but they got back together soon after. He was so dominant and possessive, like I always love a good d@ddy trope and this book delivered on every front, such a good read.

3.5 stars