A review by anomalousheart
Forbidden Fruit by Eden Bradley


This was the first book by Eden Bradley I ever read, and I remember enjoying it a great amount. I loved the psychological side of it, learning how people come to have certain individual and unique fetishes, and it made me learn a lot about myself, too, which I think is another important aspect of reading erotica.

I don't know if I particularly enjoyed Mia and Jagger's relationship as they were mainly having sexual encounters, but by the end, I definitely felt like they had a real, strong connection, but in a sexual manner, and personally.

I think every person wants someone who will help them to embrace their true selves, both in and out of the bedroom, without judgement or ridicule, and I definitely think that Mia and Jagger are perfect for each other in that respect. Instead of shunning Mia for her wants and needs and desires, Jagger actively helps her to embrace the side of herself that maybe she feels a tad guilty about. Mia thus returns the favour, and the outcome is a passionate, sexy, vibrant relationship that most men and women strive for.

All in all, I very much enjoyed this book, and I hope to read it again at some point in the future.