A review by illbefinealone
Paint My Body Red by Heidi R. Kling


Update (July 8th 2017):
It took three trips to the post office: one civil talk with a lady who works there, one conversation that was on the verge of an argument with her younger colleague, and lastly talking to the controller at seven in the morning, to finally get this book.


Since I opened the package containing it, I haven't been able to put it down, the cover's mesmerizing, it keeps inviting me to stare at it.

This was the second time I read this book, and experiencing it again was somehow better than the first time around. I realized that I'm not too keen on the ending
SpoilerNo, I didn't expect Paige's dad to survive, I really wanted things between her and Jake (which had a lovely build up) to have a bigger climax, but it felt like a balloon slowly deflating, rather than popping, and no, the epilogue didn't do it for me.
But I'm gonna push that all aside because all the other parts of this story are just perfectly done. It made me angry
Spoilerat Ty
, it made me giddy with excitement, it brought me to tears a few times, it made me finally turn the laptop on to write a review about something (it was overdue). I love the mysterious part of the story, I think the way Mrs. Kling incorporated the past is amazing (cause I actually read it, and I find those parts dull and uninteresting in many novels), but my favorite part would have to be the dynamic between Jake and Paige. What can I say, I'm a sucker for romance.

I'm definitely gonna read this one again (especially since I own a physical copy, something I can't believe I foreshadowed in 2015).

Original review (October 23rd 2015):

Copy received through NetGalley

Review on my blog illbefinealonereads

Confession. While Goodreads will tell you that it took me three days to read this book, I actually didn’t start it until yesterday. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m in bit of a reading slump. Maybe I expect a completely different book after reading the summary. Actually, the second one is completely true.

But once I started reading it, I was drawn to continue by the mystery it carries throughout. Mrs. Heidi R. Kling writes with an incredible style that turned this dark story into the most positive and hopeful book you’ll read this year.

The message you’ll find within is what kept me up till 2 am, rushing to finish it, not just because of a deadline I had set up for myself, but also because of the urge to find out what happens to Paige, what will happen to the ranch, what’s the next wonderful thing Jake will do.

Read it. You won’t regret it. Recommended by yours truly.

P.S. This book is also going on my physical copy wish-list. And that is the ultimate compliment I can give any book. I love it so much, that I need a copy to own.