A review by flajol
Return of the Living Deadpool by Cullen Bunn, Nik Virella


This could be read as a standalone, but the story does follow on from [b:Night of the Living Deadpool|18478261|Night of the Living Deadpool (The Living Deadpool, #1)|Cullen Bunn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1417278950s/18478261.jpg|26150344] so I'm glad I read that first. This is my first exposure to the Deadpool books - loaned to me by a friend after I raved about the film.

I know these Living Deadpool books are a special, but I feel they encapsulate the spirit of Deadpool perfectly - well, the spirit of Deadpool as portrayed in the recent film. Plenty of sarcasm, action, comedy, and (my favourite) breaking the 4th wall. I'm sure I missed lots of references just because I'm not well read in graphic novels, but I got enough of the pop culture references to keep me entertained.

I'm a big fan of [b:The Walking Dead, Compendium 1|6465707|The Walking Dead, Compendium 1|Robert Kirkman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1449865699s/6465707.jpg|6656179] series. and I love the way the artwork in Living Deadpool references the art in Kirkman/Moore's books.