A review by soroushtorkian
Twelve Secular Steps: An Addiction Recovery Guide by Bill W


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At first, I thought the 12 steps is just a group of cult-like groups that were created to sway people away from addiction and towards some religious belief. But this book proved that it doesn’t have to be. As long as one “stops kidding themselves” and realize they hit rock bottom, only then will they start to reflect on their past and make small incremental agreements with themselves to eventually leave from the Maslow physiological need for the drug, to the more higher level pyramid aspects like belonging and showing love. I especially enjoyed how this book emphasized having sponsors or in my own terms, accountability partners to help you along the journey. The social network of people who have the same goal can really help boost each other up in the process!

There are a lot of inventories or journaling tasks that this book provides. You probably don’t even need to be an addict to do them, but if there’s something that you think you do too much, that you “feel better” doing it despite it not actually giving you good results, perhaps elements of this book can be used to change your unwanted behaviour, and not merely addictions.

I wonder how many Users Anonymous groups have adapted the more secular approach to recovery?