A review by vallebre
Bitten: Dark Erotic Stories by Susie Bright


The cover was what initially caught my eye in the massive used bookstore that I found this anthology in. Just on its merit and the fact that I so rarely come across "dark" erotica in my neck of the world I decided to pick it up. It wasn't until I got in the car and started flipping through it that I realized the craziness of the thing - I am a habitual reader of Francesca Lia Block and a huge Supernatural fan (Sera Gamble was the ill-fated show runner for a wee while). Figuring it was kismet, I took it home and devoured it in one sitting.

There are a few stories in here that are flat out boring. Dull. Uninteresting. Likewise, there are a few that had potential but never quite took it (pun intended) where it needed to go, in my opinion. I believe it may be "Smoke and Ashes" that hinted at vampirism and in particular felt really abruptly ended - I wanted more from that one. And then there were a few standouts.

The story about the roses - you all know the one - was fantastic. Less erotic and more just thrilling. I actually found myself wishing it had been a full length novel rather than just a short story. It was easily the breakout story as far as the storytelling aspect went.

I was kind of disappointed with FLB's story. It had her trademark lush settings and excellent descriptions but the story itself just didn't seem to go anywhere or be particularly interested in anything it was saying. It was still far from the least of them, though.

Sera Gamble's story was... meh. It was an interesting concept and, of course, problematic - your main character is a demon who became such after being sexually assaulted and was subsequently rescued by two other male figures but I suppose it's neither here nor there. The smut aspect was sorely lacking - boring, vague and dull sex that had me ready to skip to the next story. It's true that you don't have to be explicit to be good or even interesting but she never got close to broaching either in that respect. Not a bad concept overall, though. (Disclaimer: not a Sera Gamble fan, didn't like what she did with the show though I give her due credit for writing some fantastic episodes and I certainly don't agree with the level of abuse she gets from the SPN fandom. Settle down, pls.)

Overall, it was an interesting, fast read peppered with some great examples of dark erotic fiction and a few really interesting concepts but wasn't terribly remarkable aside from those. The cover is great though.