A review by audjmo91
Superman: American Alien by Max Landis


This is a really good series highlighting formative moments in Superman's origin story. The different styles of art for each chapter appropriately emphasized the mood of each story (described as Pixar, gritty, hopeful, etc. in the original pitch notes in my edition), reminding me of the way the brain organizes memories based on how they make you feel in the movie Inside Out. Perhaps the strongest element in this collection is the characterization of Lex Luthor, who is written as calculating and as menacing as I've ever seen him. His monologues, followed by his structured undressing of Clark in his first in-costume confrontation, set him up as a formidable opponent that you know is playing chess where Clark is playing tic-tac-toe. Hearing him in my head through Clancy Brown's intimidating voice didn't hurt either.

Honestly, my only critique was that I wanted more Batman, and more development of Clark's relationship with Lois Lane. A great reminder that Superman can be more than the boring boy scout he is often made out to be.