A review by calturner
Five Steps to Happy by Ella Dove


Oh my goodness, what a beautiful, moving and inspiring debut novel this is! It’s so nice to have a positive story that shows what living with a disability can be like, instead of the doom and gloom we usually see. It’s made all the more poignant as it is based on the real life events that happened to author Ella Dove, so you know it comes from a place of true authenticity and understanding.

Five Steps to Happy tells the story of aspiring actress Heidi who suffers a life changing accident at the age of 32. Her whole world falls apart as she struggles to come to terms with what’s happened to her. Her only companion is Maud, the elderly lady in the bed next to hers in the rehabilitation centre where she has been sent to recuperate.

Heidi misses her life, her independence and her flatmate, slowly sinking into despair at the realisation that nothing will ever be the same again. But then she meets Jack, Maud’s grandson, who comes up with the idea of making a list of all the things she’d still like to do that will help her on her road to recovery.

With Jack at her side, Heidi begins to realise that although her life is no longer the one she envisaged having, she still has so much to live for. But is Heidi brave enough to take that first step back to happiness? Or does life have even more surprises in store for her?

Five Steps to Happy is a beautifully written and poignant book that I fell in love with from the start. The author’s real life experience and understanding of the difficulties people with disabilities face on a day to day basis shines through with every word. The larger than life characters Heidi meets in this book are a true delight and felt very real to me.

It’s a story that swept me along on a tidal wave of emotions, making me laugh one moment and burst into tears the next. It painted a vivid picture of what it must be like for your life to change in an instant. The devastation and despair Heidi feels after her accident are palpable and I felt every emotion right along with her.

As the parent and carer of a young woman with a lifelong disability, I couldn’t help but feel a personal connection to this beautiful book, even though my daughter’s circumstances are very different to Heidi’s.

It was so inspiring to finally read a story where having a disability didn’t have to mean the end of the world, but could very well be the start of a brave new one that is filled with endless possibilities.

I can’t recommend this beautiful, moving and uplifting book highly enough. A stunning read that will stay with me.