A review by aeoliandeductress
The Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country by Neil Gaiman


3.5/5 Overall but to be fair, each story is unique in this volume. Some were much better than others.

Calliope- 4.5/5
Really unique idea of two authors imprisioning (rather than wooing) a muse for their own success. Calliope's importance will come back (clearly) as Morpheus frees her due to a prior relationship. This one was real, clevel, and moving.

Dream of a Thousand Cats- 3/5
I love cats almost as much as Neil but this just didn't resonate, other than I felt terrible about the drowned cats. Not sure how this fits overall.

A Midsummer Night's Dream- 3/5
To be fair, I'm not a fan of the Shakespeare play and this actually made this make that drama make as much sense as anything could.

Facade- 4/5
Felt terrible for Element Girl. I did kind of wonder why if Ra was going to take mercy on her he couldn't just simply revert her to her old self to have a life, but otherwise a deeply moving story and makes us understand Death even deeper.

The original script posted at the back was informative.