A review by missmarketpaperback
Tangled Up in Tinsel by Candis Terry


This is a pretty standard small town holiday contemporary. It was a sweet romance with a lot of family drama. I didn’t read the previous ones in the series (though i sort of want to read Declan and Brookes). I found the logic to be a bit all over the place in this book.

First, even though she’s asking him for a job, they have sex when she’s auditioning as a cook. Then, even though they agree this is a one night thing ( because the hero doesn’t DO anything more of course), they see each other constantly and miss each other and sleep together one day later. It goes from there with the H dragging his feet the whole time and sort of being a dick.

It is very readable and well written and I liked all the characters, the family mainly. I recommend to those looking for a fluffy romance.