A review by aboutthatstory
Fall into You by Roni Loren


Holy hot Batman! This story definitely brought the heat. I loved watching Grant and Charli come together and work through their obstacles. Not only was this super sexy and erotic, but it was a great story too with really interesting characters. Fantastic read!

I thought Grant and Charli were awesome. I was so excited to get to know Grant and see what what was under that commanding exterior because he had such a strong presence but seemed so guarded. I loved Charli, strong and determined and so curious and stubborn. She was an interesting character because of her upbringing and how she saw herself. I loved the metamorphoses she seemed to go through. The two together had some great animosity and chemistry happening and I loved the building sexual tension. They could be fun and playful together as their relationship developed but there were also a lot of sweet, emotional moments as well. I loved how challenging and feisty Charli could be with Grant and the sparks that were created. Those sparks were electric! The sex scenes are well written and descriptive and leave you in need of a serious cold showers.

Grant coming to terms with his past and opening up was so emotional. He had a lot of guilt happening and I hung on every word and kept waiting for him to get to that moment where everything clicks for him. It was a heck of a ride because he was fighting such an internal battle. I loved watching his walls come down. I also loved how Charli was there for him and how understanding she was, so caring and sweet.

There is an underlying mystery happening with Charli that leads her to being at The Ranch. It's a part of the story but not at the forefront. There are a nice amount of details but it's not overly in depth. I liked the element of intrigue it added though I have to say the conclusion to it all kind of fell flat for me. That being said, since it was a small part the conclusion to the mystery seemed fitting.

The writing was great. Loved the descriptions and the build. It was a compelling, erotic read full of passion and lots of steamy goodness. If you're looking for some heat, you will not be disappointed. Can’t wait for the next one in the series!