A review by moeser97
Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer


Things I liked
Listening to the French parts and the accents on audiobook
The Aunt, Sarah/Sally
The fencing scenes
The long wind up/ back story about the house
Like that it was set in early 1700s rather than early 1800s
How popular Phillip became in Paris
The dramatic French servants
The father and uncle characters
The relationship between Maurice and Cleone
I so liked how important Paris and Phillip’s friends there became to him.

Things I didn’t like
Phillips transformation didn’t seem plausible. How could he learn French so fast? How could he have such an abrupt change of personality?
Did not like the idea that Cleone just needed to be ‘mastered’ at the end. Very dated idea about men and women.

Didn’t like Cleone that much. Not a well developed character.

This was fun to listen to. I enjoyed the repartee and hearing the French pronunciations. I wouldn’t recommend this book to someone unless they already loved Georgette Heyer and wanted to read the full catalogue.