A review by bittelitt
The End Specialist by Drew Magary


I don't believe we'll be able to cure aging (definitely not by 2019), but if we did, this feels like something that could happen. Most of the plot feels very realistic, which is what makes it so disturbing. So many moral dilemmas my head is hurting...
The chapters are written like entries in a blog, which means the main character expects you as a reader to know what he's talking about without explaining everything. This can be confusing at times, but you gather the most important elements from the context, and the parts you are left in the dark about add to the feeling of unease and suspense.
Even though this is a book about the world collapsing in on itself, there are some truly funny moments. It can just be a joke a character makes, or sometimes just the absurdity of the situation. There are also some elements of very dark humour (lines like "OMG CHINA JUST NUKED ITSELF").

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys science fiction, and to quite a few that don't.