A review by ifyouhappentoremember
Scandal of the Year: Abandoned at the Altar by Laura Lee Guhrke



This book really surprised me.

It’s more character driven than most historical romance books and there are definitely darker moments explored.

This is a good build-up of romantic tension between the romantic leads. Aidan Carr, Duke of Trathen being the upright, honorable man he is, is (quite naturally) angry with the heroine, Julia, for being used in her scheme to get her husband to divorce her. But you understand Julia’s desperation in getting a divorce, and why she did what she did.

This book has its fun, light hearted moments, but wow, did this book go into some troubling territory. The fact that Julia had to get caught having an affair and have her reputation utterly ruined in order to have her husband finally divorce her after 12 years is sad. I can’t think of many historical romance books that would explore this topic.

And can I just say, that it was nice to have a “mature” heroine, who isn’t a sheltered ingénue? It made for a nice change of pace.