A review by senali
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber


This book ! This is my favourite read of 2023 so far. And so it will remain as one of my all time favourites forever and ever.

Evangeline Fox is a recently orphaned girl who lives with her stepmother and stepsister. There's a boy she loves with all her heart & somehow he is about to marry her stepsister. So Evangeline makes a deal with the Prince of Hearts to stop their wedding in exchange of three kisses. The Prince of Hearts is a fate , who's kisses are fatal to humans but for his one true love.

I was so excited to start this one because of the beautiful cover and the dedication. If I had time I could have finished this in one sitting but ended up taking 2 whole nights instead.

Jacks ! Who would not fall in love with a morally grey villain with blond hair and blue eyes. I was obsessed. I could talk about this apple scented handsome for hours and hours. ( crooked smile )

The plot , the characters and the setting were breathtaking and magical. Everything was meticulously portrayed from the start to the end. I could imagine every single scene as if I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. I can't wait to know what happens in the next book.

I highly recommend this gem to anyone who loves ,