A review by elliefufu
Dark Awakening by Kendra Leigh Castle


Dark Awakening By Kendra Leigh Castle

Book #1 Dark Dynasties Series

Grade C+

“Sometimes you just have to accept the hand you’re dealt.” “And sometimes you get abducted by some vampire bitch’s pet cat.”

Lily Quinn loves her quiet life in Massachusetts as a college professor when she can pretend to be normal just like everyone else. She was given up by her parents as a baby and the only things they left her with are a strange green tattoo on her collarbone and a temper that unleashes enough power to destroy every object around her. One night while out ghost hunting she meets Tynan MacGillivaray who mistakes her for a Seer and tries to take her to his vampire queen. Little do they both know that Ty is not the only one searching for Lily and she way more powerful then anyone could have ever guessed.

Tynan MacGillivaray is a Cait Sith, a vampire who can turn into a cat, as well as a slave of the Ptolemy vampire clan lead by Queen Arsinoe. He is on a mission from his Queen to find a Seer who can help save their clan from someone that is destroying the clan members in large numbers. Ty never expected his mission would lead him Lily Quinn, the small human with a strange tattoo that marks her as a vampire from an unknown clan and the one woman that has sparked his interest in more then three hundred years. Ty soon finds that things with his mission are not what they seem and that his need to protect Lily starts to come before helping his clan. Ty must now choose the safe life of serving his Queen or give it all up for one very small, very powerful human who has now become his entire world.

I really liked the concept behind this book of Gods and Goddesses making vampires and those Vampires all being different and heading different vampire clans. Very original and very different from anything else that I seen out there which is always a good thing but I just couldn’t ever get into this book. I love all things paranormal especially romances and I expect these books to have a darker edge then most contemporary romances but this book was too serious and too dark for me. The only time the main characters weren’t being serious was when they were having sex and even then they weren’t smiling.

I liked both Lily and Ty but they both seemed to have huge chips on their shoulders and really negative attitudes. I expect my alpha male main character to be gruff but Ty takes it to a whole other level. Neither one of these two characters seems to know how to smile, tease or flirt and if it wasn’t for the crazy sexual attraction they had for one another, I don’t see how they would have ever ended up sleeping together. They both just took everything way too serious for my tastes and I wish I could have seen them have some fun flirting with each other or some amusing banter back and forth and there just wasn’t any at all.

I did enjoy all of the side characters and without these people in the book my grade would have been a lot lower. Jaden takes the book in a whole different direction and complicates Ty and Lily’s relationship in a great way that gets the story moving finally. After the first 250 pages things get really good and more importantly things start getting explained so you understand why Ty and Lily are they way they are. I feel that if things had been explained earlier I might have been less annoyed with them and way more into the story. The Vampire clans are the best part of the whole book and I wish that the clans or their members would have had a greater role in the story.

I gave this book a C+ for a couple different reasons. First, the concept of the clans, their rulers and their members is very interesting and make for some great reading. Second, the fight scene at the end is really well written and I love that the villain is still out there and stirring up trouble for next time. Finally, Jaden is amazing and I fell in love with him. His book is up next iand I see a lot of potential for this to be a great paranormal romance series. I’m really counting on Jaden and his book to be amazing and because of him I will read more of the Dark Dynasties books.