A review by dawn_marie
Destruction by Sharon Bayliss


All in all, I thought the story, while full of potential, failed miserably in the execution. The writer did little world building and did not explain the mythology of the wizard world; what makes a Dark wizard different than a Light wizard, why do practicing dark wizards go badly wrong? The characters were flat, one-dimensional, and generally boring. I didn't like David, worse I found him dull; the kids were all caricatures (moody teenager, mouthy pre-teen); and the fringe characters were plot devices. I found Amanda be particularly shrewish, reprehensible, manipulative, and hypocritical;
Spoiler Her stealing/wiping David's memories and then refusing to talk about the stolen memories (once David learned of the missing memories) was abusive. Worse, bringing in her sister-in-law (Jess) to "read" David's mind to "see if he was hiding anything else" felt very much like rape. And for good measure, Jude ends up actually raping his brother's girlfriend ... why? Because that's what Dark Wizards do.
I feel like I read a different book than the rest of the reviewers because I loathed everything about this story.