A review by _ash0_
Lazarus, Vol. 1: Family by Greg Rucka


I enjoyed this first volume. I was not sure I would like it considering how the comic series looks violent. It definitely was gory and pretty violent but I loved the post apocalyptic setting, Lazarus, family dynamics and politics. Best part was not knowing who was lying and manipulating Lazarus for what reason. She doesn’t seem to be having anyone in her life whom she can trust. She belongs to a family and she is supposed to protect them, but is the family manipulating her? I will only know that after reading the other volumes. I am definitely planning to continue with the series. The artwork was good. If I like the next couple of volumes, I am planning to buy a copy of this book as well.
What I don’t know is what exactly a Lazarus is and why they cannot be killed easily by humans? In one of the scenes, they looked like they had a metal body. Are they AI/robots programmed to kill others and protect family or some genetically modified human? I have plenty of questions after finishing this volume.
The main protagonist is a pretty kickass woman.