A review by additionaddiction
The Crepes of Wrath by Tamar Myers


I came for the crepe recipes, I stayed for the murder-mystery. I stumbled across this book while googling recipes for “Palatschinkes” which is what we always called crepes when I was a kid. That word was taught to us by our PA Dutch grandmother, although I’m not sure how universal that term actually is.

Anyway, going into the story, I hadn’t realized this was book 9 (of 20) in a series. I don’t think missing the first 8 affected my understanding of the story though. I may have missed out on the backstory / personalities of some of the characters but overall I think this works fine as a stand-alone book.

I thought the story was fun, but the characters were all a bit too goofy, in a slightly cartoon-like way. The best comparison I can think of is A Confederacy of Dunces. Not that I’m comparing the two books, merely the not-quite-grounded-in-reality composition of the characters, and to a lesser sense, the plot. The book was still enjoyable, but everything that happened seemed way too convenient, and almost coincidental. It felt like the protagonist, Magdalena, was stumbling directly from one plot point to the next without much planning or effort.

Still, I did enjoy this book. Growing up with a lot of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, I enjoyed many of the references. I also love a good pun, so I may check out a few more books in the series.