A review by fizreads
Da Månen Blev Delt by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri


Reading this book in its entirety during the month of Ramadan has just renewed my profound love I have for my Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and the Ummah.

This book was very easy to read but so difficult because of the hardships and trials that the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims at this time had to face. The hardships show an insight into the character of my Prophet (PBUH) and how resilient he was and how he never wavered in spreading the message of Islam.

The detailed account of the Prophet’s (PBUH) life, actions, and doings are incredibly detailed, it was so refreshing and really nourished me during this month of Ramadan. It also helped strengthen my emaan and when reading the Qur’an. I read and look at it in a different way because of the understanding that the Qur’an came as a revelation bit by bit in different circumstances and situations, difficulties and tribalities to my Prophet (PBUH). Every letter, every ayah, every Surah, has such a beautiful and deep meaning to it and reading this book has helped with also understanding the Qur’an better. I took so much from this book; it will always stay with me and without a doubt will re-read it time and time again.

May Allah grant the highest level of Jannah to the writer of this book. Ameen
And now onto ‘The Sealed Nectar’.