A review by graff_fuller
Triplanetary by E.E. "Doc" Smith


2.5 Stars


If I was living when this book was published in 1948...I think I would've love it. I think this book is VERY dated...by the way people talked (bombastic), to the way people treated others (the way CloƩ was treated, and also how she recieved it), the jargon they used (simply hilarious), to smoking...and on and on.

Now, reading this book...I see how far we've come.

Many times while I was reading this, I thought of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS). There is a campyness...that was more acceptable in the production. In total seriousness, but it just doesn't come off sounding right. BTW, I love Star Trek: TOS...but we have come a long way from then to now...both in TV series and books.

There was an episode in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - S6:E13 Far Beyond the Stars...where it places the characters of this Science Fiction space station show, as people who work for/write Science Fiction stories in a small 1950s publisher. In this episode, Captain Sisko writes a story (serialized) about the people who work on DS9 (as a science fiction story, verses his real life on the show). This is the type of story Chief O'Brien's character would have written. If you know, you know. Well...it was nostalgic, that is for sure.

Before starting this book...I was wondering if I would continue with the series, but now that I have read the first entry...I doubt it. There is SO much great Science Fiction stories out there...to read ones...that don't touch me.

Please do not take offense. This is a Hugo Award written story (1948). BUT, I've read a lot of great Science Fiction novels in my life...that I would rather reread something else, than read more in this series. Sorry. BUT, I'm glad I read this story. It makes me appreciate how far the genre has really come...over the years.